Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Ramsdell Nature Park: Hike Notes

I originally posted this on the Great Lakes Hikes Yahoo Group:

Ramsdell Nature Park


This place used to be an old farm. The farmer spent lots of time creating ponds and natural stuff and decided in his will to give the property to the county parks system. It's not what I would call a great hike, but it is a really nice place and I really enjoy it because I can just see that farmer sitting up in heaven - if you believe in that sort of thing - having a laugh at how much fun I was having. I got caught in a thunderstorm there once.The way cool thing is that the farm house is a residence for the park caretakers. They get to live there free if they mow the trails and do maintenance. Doesn't sound like a bad deal to me. BTW, I figure there are 5 or 6 miles of trail in the park.

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