The following reports were originally posted on the Great Lakes Hikes Yahoo Group.
Wayne County: Crosswinds Marsh. 5 to 10 miles of trail. This place is a reconstructed marsh - to replace the marsh destroyed at MetroAirport. And it is really cool. There's a bald eagle's nest and lots of birds. And some easy canoeing. And a hill is rising right next door at the landfill that is accepting Toronto's trash and sewer sludge. My hope is that there is a plan to eventually incorporate it into the park as a scenic overlook or ski hill.
Jan. 21, 2001
A few more comments on the Toronto trash issue...
My understanding of the issue is that Canadian trash is considered international commerce under NAFTA. Even if the state wanted to stopit, they would probably get sued - and I'd imagine lose.
The issue does have another side. I believe that Michigan and other states send hazardous waste to Ontario in large volumes. Ontario can't really stop that from happening either. So, if we make them keep their trash, they are libel to make us keep our biohazards.
This dump has been there even before this deal was signed. The lack of Toronto's garbage wouldn't really make any difference at the site.
My big concern is what happens afterwards. There are a lot of quarries and dumps in my area that just get fenced off and left. But these places can be put to public use if designed right. If these places are held to high environmental standards and later become large public spaces, I think everybody wins. And in a very flat section of Michigan, a big hill with a scenic overlook on top would be a very nice addition to a park.
BTW, the local government has been very supportive of the dump. It provides jobs and tax money in an overlooked, rural part of WayneCounty.
Complexity reigns.
Well, after hiking in Ohio, I headed back to Monroe for a wedding reception. Afterwards, I found out I had a little more time on my hands and decided to do a little more hiking - this time at Crosswinds Marsh.
Crosswinds Marsh is a Wayne County Marsh Interpretive Preserve. It is restored marsh, created to replace wetlands destroyed for the new terminal at Metro Airport. You can get there by taking I-275 to Will Carleton (South of Detroit near the town of Waltz). Head west on Will Carleton, past the dump to Haggerty. Turn Right and you are there.
While this is not at all a strenuous hike, it is an interesting place. There is a lot of open water - enough for a 2 mile canoe trail. There is a 4.5 mile horse loop around the perimeter of the preserve that is essentially a gravel road with one water crossing. You could hike this if you wanted.
There are also 6 or 7 miles of hiking trail. These range from dirt to gravel to boardwalk. The trails pass through cattail marsh, wooded swamp areas, open water and open meadows. You can see muskrats, fish, geese and a bald eagle's nest on the south end of the park.
This area is great for kids and a nice respite from a populated area. While I was hiking, I saw 3 or 4 kids fishing and a few couples. I also ran into a group of young people who were badly in need of bug spray. I gladly helped them out.
When combined with Pointe Mouillee SGA and Lower Huron, Oakwoods, Willow and Lake Erie Metroparks, Crosswinds Marsh helps make the Downriver area a great way to get out there in an urban setting.
Re: Fw: E-M:/ Granholm says no to Toronto Trash
I'll bet Granholm plays this issue up big - because it doesn't require much expenditure from the state budget. If she talks tough or even changes the situation, she'll get political mileage for free.
I know this dump well. I hike occasionally at the Crosswinds Marsh that borders the place. There is a bald eagle's nest right there.
A few things to consider: Sumpter Township gets some ungodly percentage of its annual revenue from the tipping fees on the garbage. I believe it's something like 80%. This is a rural, but growing area, with lots of parkland in the Metroparks, etc. I'll assume that if the garbage doesn't flow, they'll have to find other ways to fill the township treasury - like maybe a big old development on some farmland. Or, maybe they'll just lay off the police.
But, the dump is there. It won't close if Toronto stops shipping. Garbage will come from Ohio or New York instead. So: spend lots ofenergy stopping the garbage for zero gain to local residents. Why not lobby for a new a natural area instead?
But I do find it difficult to think that some hardscrabble northern Ontario town couldn't make use of all the money that is generated by growth in the waste management industry:)
I have three suggestions. Crosswinds Marsh is a restored marsh on Haggerty Rd. in extreme southern Wayne County. Take I-275 to Will-Carleton (I think) and head west. Once you zoom past a landfill, the park is on the right. It's nice and would be interesting at this time of year. Crosswinds is a Wayne County Park and offers 6 to 10 miles of trail.