Saturday, February 17, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
Analog TV Station List: Monroe, MI
This list was created with a radio antenna tower located at my dad’s house in Monroe, MI. It is based completely on the analog signal that he is able to detect. This list was dependent on the weather conditions at the time of creation. Additional stations may be possible. Lansing did not seem to be coming in well, so a station like 47 might be possible on a better day/night.
Channel Location Network Direction Degree (360) Reception
2 Detroit Fox N/NE 40 Perfect
3 Cleveland CBS E/NE 85 Fair
3 Kalamazoo NBC W 275 Good
4 Detroit NBC N 0 Perfect
5 Cleveland ABC E 90 Fair
5 ? CBS N 0 Poor
6 Lansing Poor
7 Detroit ABC N 0 Perfect
8 Cleveland NBC E 90 Good
8 Kalamazoo W 270 Fair
9 Windsor CBC N 0 Perfect
10 Lansing NBC NW 310 Poor
11 Toledo CBS S 180 Perfect
12 Flint Poor
13 Toledo ABC S 180 Perfect
15 200 Poor
16 Windsor N 0 Fair
18 Detroit TBN N/NW 330 Poor
20 Detroit N 0 Perfect
22 Uxbridge Global N/NE 45 Fair
23 Cleveland Univision E 90 Poor
24 Toledo NBC S 180 Perfect
25 Cleveland PBS E 180 Poor
27 Bowling Green PBS S 180 Good
28 Flint PBS N/NE 20 Poor
30 Toledo PBS S 180 Perfect
31 Ann Arbor Pax N 0 Perfect
32 Windsor TVO N 0 Perfect
33 Dearborn WHPR N 0 Poor
34 Toledo WBTL/HSN S 180 Good
36 Toledo Fox S 180 Perfect
38 Mt. Clemens HSN N 0 Good
40 Toledo Pax S 160 Good
42 Windsor CTV N/NE Very Poor
43 Cleveland E 90 Poor
48 Toledo S 180 Good
50 Detroit N 0 Perfect
52 Sandusky, OH TBN Poor
54 Windsor French-CBC NE 40 Fair
56 Detroit PBS N 0 Perfect
62 Detroit CBS N 0 Perfect
Channel Location Network Direction Degree (360) Reception
2 Detroit Fox N/NE 40 Perfect
3 Cleveland CBS E/NE 85 Fair
3 Kalamazoo NBC W 275 Good
4 Detroit NBC N 0 Perfect
5 Cleveland ABC E 90 Fair
5 ? CBS N 0 Poor
6 Lansing Poor
7 Detroit ABC N 0 Perfect
8 Cleveland NBC E 90 Good
8 Kalamazoo W 270 Fair
9 Windsor CBC N 0 Perfect
10 Lansing NBC NW 310 Poor
11 Toledo CBS S 180 Perfect
12 Flint Poor
13 Toledo ABC S 180 Perfect
15 200 Poor
16 Windsor N 0 Fair
18 Detroit TBN N/NW 330 Poor
20 Detroit N 0 Perfect
22 Uxbridge Global N/NE 45 Fair
23 Cleveland Univision E 90 Poor
24 Toledo NBC S 180 Perfect
25 Cleveland PBS E 180 Poor
27 Bowling Green PBS S 180 Good
28 Flint PBS N/NE 20 Poor
30 Toledo PBS S 180 Perfect
31 Ann Arbor Pax N 0 Perfect
32 Windsor TVO N 0 Perfect
33 Dearborn WHPR N 0 Poor
34 Toledo WBTL/HSN S 180 Good
36 Toledo Fox S 180 Perfect
38 Mt. Clemens HSN N 0 Good
40 Toledo Pax S 160 Good
42 Windsor CTV N/NE Very Poor
43 Cleveland E 90 Poor
48 Toledo S 180 Good
50 Detroit N 0 Perfect
52 Sandusky, OH TBN Poor
54 Windsor French-CBC NE 40 Fair
56 Detroit PBS N 0 Perfect
62 Detroit CBS N 0 Perfect
Money Radio List
I like to listen to radio shows about money. So, I have made a list of radio programs that involve the subject that are available to people in the Monroe and Lenawee County, Michigan areas. This is a rough and constantly changing list. There have been and will be errors and changes. The list appears below:
Revised Dec. 10, 2006
Wall Street Week and Fortune, Ch. 28 (3:30-4)
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
U.S. Farm Report, Ch. 53
Building Wealth, Ch. 47 and Ch. 10 (4:30-5)
On Main Street, Ch. 47 (4-4:30)
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
U.S. Farm Report, Ch. 13
Marketwatch Weekend, Ch. 62 (5:30-6)
Wall Street Journal, Ch. 47 (5-5:30)
Enterprise Report, Ch. 47 (5:30-6)
Building Wealth, Ch. 10 (5:30-6)
Global Business, 91.7, WUOM FM (5-5:30)
Wall Street Journal Weekend, 1140AM and 810 WGR
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
The Treatment/The Business, 101.9 FM, WDET
Wisconsin Farm Report, 1670 AM Madison
Wall Street Journal Weekend, 610 AM WTVN
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
Farm Report, 720 AM WGN
Marketplace Money, FM below 91.7
Money Sense, 1370 AM WSPD
Mr. Fix It, 720 AM WGN
Right on the Money, 740 AM; Toronto?
Money Show, 560 AM (7-7:30AM)
Motley Fool, 101.9, WDET
Marketplace Money, 820 AM WOSU
Money Show, 850AM?Ohio?
Follow the Money, 1220 AM WHKW Cleveland 7:30-8
Home Repair Clinic, 1180 AM WHAM
Wall Street Journal Weekend, 970 AM WKHM
Money Show, 1170 AM
Plan, Invest, Achieve, 1230 AM (8:30-9)
Mr. Fix It, 720 AM WGN
Hire it Done, 1270 AM WXYT
Classifieds, 8:15, WLEN 103.9 FM
Around the Home with Greg Crawford, AM 590 WKZO, 8:30-9AM
The Appliance Doctor, 1600 AM WAAM
Follow the Money, 1220 AM WHKW Cleveland 8-8:30
Home Repair Clinic, 1180 AM WHAM
Home Investment Show, 1430 AM
Real Estate Show, 970 AM WKHL
Mr. Fix It, 720 AM WGN
Money Matters with Brian Kurtz, 580 AM CKWW
Hire it Done, 1270 AM WXYT
At Home, 1100 AM WTAM
Financial Planner, 9:45-10AM, WKZO 590
At Home with Gary Sullivan, 550 AM WKRC
9:30am - 10am: Straight Talk About Money w/ Googins Financial, 1670 AM Madison
The Appliance Doctor, 1600 AM WAAM
Financial Coach Show, 1370 AM WSPD, 9:30-10
The Mortgage Marshalls, 1310 AM WDTW, 9-9:30
Housecalls with Rick Wolf, 1190 AM WOWO
Home Repair Clinic, 1180 AM WHAM
Travel Show, 940 AM Montreal
Law Show, 1600 AM WAAM
Larry Kudlow, 770 AM WABC
Making Money in Real Estate, 890 AM WLS
At Home, 1100 AM WTAM
The Investor’s Edge, 880 AM WRFD
Michigan Out-Of-Doors, Ch. 28, 10:30-11
Travel Savvy, 1560 AM WTOD
Home Fix It, 750 AM, WSB
At Home with Gary Sullivan, 550 AM WKRC
The Lawyers, 590 WKZO
1670 AM Madison: Your Home, Your Money 10-10:30AM; Real Estate 10:30-11AM
The Appliance Doctor, 1600 AM WAAM
The Business Reality Network, 1310AM WDTW
Housecalls with Rick Wolf, 1190 AM WOWO
Home Improvement Show, 1140 AM WRVA
Handyman Show, 970 AM WKHM
Mutual Fund Show, 890 AM WLS
This American Life, 89.1 FM, WEMU
Mutual Fund Show, 890 AM WLS, 1370 AM WSPD, 1190 AM WOWO, 1180 AM WHAM
Money Show, 560 AM (11-11:30) Creative Asset Solutions
Home Fix It, 750 AM WSB
Financial Freedom Report, 97.1 FM WKRK
At Home, 1100 AM WTAM (11-11:30)
Street Beat, Ch. 62, 11-11:30
Wilderness Journal, Ch. 28, 11-11:30
Money Talk, 620 AM WTMJ
The Lawyers, 590 AM, WKZO, 11:15-12:00
Larry Kudlow, 770 AM, WABC
At Home with Gary Sullivan, 550 AM WKRC
The Business Reality Network, 1310 AM WDTW
Travel Show, 1020 AM KDKA
Handyman Show, 970 AM WKHM
Real Estate Show, 940 AM Montreal
Real Estate Show, 890 AM WLS
Money Watch, 102.3 FM, 11:30-12; WPOS
Money Show, 103.9 FM WLEN (12:15-12:30)
Motley Fool, 870 AM WKAR
Larry Kudlow, 770 AM, WABC
Mutual Fund Show, 1190 AM WOWO, 610 AM WTVN, 620 AM WTMJ
Mutual Fund Show, 1100 AM WTAM, 1140 AM WRVA
The Dolans, 970 AM WKHM
Clark Howard, 590 WKZO, 1560 AM WTOD
Handel on the Law, 750 AM, WSB
At Home with Gary Sullivan, 550 AM WKRC
Faith Real Estate, 1370 AM WSPD
The Financial Freedom Report, 1310 AM WDTW
The Safe Money Show, 1220 AM Cleveland WHKW 12-12:30
Home Improvement Show, 1120 AM KMOX
Ask the Attorney, 1020 AM KDKA
Real Estate Show, 890 AM WLS
This American Life, 91.7 FM WUOM
Sound Money, 870 AM WKAR
The Careful Capitalist, 1600 AM WAAM
The Dolans, 970 AM WKHM
Clark Howard, 590 WKZO, 1560 AM WTOD
Real Estate Show, 1140 AM WRVA
Handel on the Law, 750 AM, WSB
Real Wealth Radio 1670 AM Madison
The Money Pit, 1600 AM WAAM
Financial Food For Thought, 1220 AM WHKW Cleveland
Home Improvement Show, 1120 AM KMOX
Findling Law Hour, 97.1 FM WKRK
Travel Show, 970 AM WKHM
Clark Howard, 590 WKZO, 1560 AM WTOD
This American Life, 820 AM WOSU
The Money Show, 720 AM WGN
Handel on the Law, 750 AM, WSB
The Money Pit, 1600 AM WAAM
The Home Show, 1540 KXEL
KMOX Money Show, 1120 AM
Market Matter, 940 AM Montreal
Dailey and Stearn Law Show, 760 AM WJR
The Bottom Line, 1600 AM WAAM
Travel Show, 970 AM WKHM
Great Getaways, Ch. 23, 3:30-4
Clark Howard, 590 WKZO, 1560 AM WTOD
The Money Show, 720 AM WGN
The Home Show, 1540 AM KXEL
KMOX Money Show, 1120 AM
Findling Law Show, 97.1 FM
This American Life, 870 AM, WKAR
Ken Stern and Your Money, 760 AM WJR
Moneytalk with Bob Brinker, 890 AM WLS, 1040 AM WHO, 1180 AM WHAM, 770 AM WABC
The Bottom Line, 1600 AM WAAM
Great Lakes Outdoors, Ch. 28, 4-4:30
Clark Howard, 590 WKZO
Money Pit Home Improvement, 1560 AM WTOD
Legally Speaking, 720 AM, WGN
The Careful Capitalist, 97.1 FM
Moneytalk With Bob Brinker, 760 AM WJR, 890 AM WLS, 1040 AM WHO, 770 AM WABC, 1180 AM WAAM
Classifieds, 5:40, WLEN 103.9 FM
Rick Steve’s, Ch. 30
Clark Howard, 590 WKZO
Money Pit Home Improvement, 1560 AM WTOD
The Alpha Mortgage Show, 820 AM, WBAP
Ask the Lawyer, WGPR, 107.5 FM 5:30-6, 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month
Moneytalk With Bob Brinker, 760 AM WJR, 890 AM WLS, 1040 AM WHO
Tom Martino, 970 AM WKHM
Clark Howard Show, 1190 AM WOWO?
Clark Howard Show, 1190 AM WOWO?
Tom Martino, 1040 AM WHO
Bob Brinker, 820 AM WBAP
Handel on the Law, 610 WTVN
Bruce Williams, 1540 AM KXEL
Moneytalks, 800 AM CKLW
Tom Martino, 1040 AM WHO
Bob Brinker, 820 AM WBAP
Money Show, 1180 AM WHAM; This might have been a one time thing.
Handel on the Law, 610 AM, WTVN
Bruce Williams, 1540 AM KXEL
Bruce Williams, 1540 AM KXEL
Legally Speaking, 1510 AM WLAC
Globe Trekker, Travel Channel (used to be Ch. 56)
Tom Martino, 1040 AM WHO
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
Bob Brinker, 820 AM WBAP
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
BBC World News, Ch. 30, 12:30-1
Globe Trekker, WTVS, Ch. 56 12:00-12:30
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
Handel on the Law, 750 AM WSB
Handel on the Law, 750 AM, WSB
Second Chance Financial, 103.5 FM WMUZ, 1-1:15AM
Handel on the Law, 750 AM, WSB
Moneytalk, 1040 AM WHO
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
Wall Street Journal Report, Ch. 3 – cable (5:30-6AM)
Moneytalk, 1040 AM WHO
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
Business Week, Ch. 7 TV (6:30-7AM)
Clark Howard, 620 WTMJ (until 6:30AM)
On the House, 1670 AM Madison
Motley Fool, 101.9 FM, WDET
Debt Free Diva, 105.1 FM (7:30-8AM)
Money and More/Crossbridge Financial Hour, WHAM 1180 AM
On the House, 1670 AM Madison
The Power of Money, 1000 AM WMVP
Danbury Realtors, Ch. 36 TV (8:30-9AM)
Hire it Done, 1270 AM WXYT
Wall Street Journal Weekend, WTVN, 610AM
Follow the Money, 1600 WAAM
Wealth Management, 1370 AM WSPD, 8-8:30
Law Show, 1180 AM WHAM
Real Estate Insiders, 760 AM WJR
Business School, Ch. 28 TV (9:30-10)
Hire it Done, 1270 AM WXYT
Money Matters, 750 AM, WSB
At Home with Gary Sullivan, 550 AM WKRC
Chris Moore’s Moneytalk, 1190 AM WOWO?
Home Repair Clinic, 1180 WHAM
Your Money, 1020 AM KDKA
Moneytalk, 940 AM Montreal
Hardcore Mortgage Show, 97.1 FM
Chris Moore’s Moneytalk, 1190 AM WOWO?
Hard Core Real Estate Show, 97.1 FM WKRK
Real Estate Insiders, 760 AM WJR, 890 AM WLS
Business Today, Ch. 10, 10:30-11
This American Life, 101.9 WDET
Money Matters, 750 AM, WSB
At Home with Gary Sullivan, 550 AM WKRC
Handel on the Law, 1670 AM Madison
Home Repair Clinic, 1180 AM WHAM
Your Money, 1020 AM KDKA
Hard Core Real Estate Show, 97.1 FM WKRK
The Home Loan Center, 103.5 FM WMUZ
Real Estate Insiders, 760 AM WJR, 890 AM WLS
Streetbeat, Ch. 62 TV (11-11:30)
Real Estate, Ch. 6 TV (11-11:30)
Builder’s Open House, Ch. 4 TV (11:30-12)
Sound Money, 91.7FM, WUOM
Meet the Press, 1670 AM Madison
Glink, 750 AM, WSB
At Home with Gary Sullivan, 550 AM WKRC
This American Life, 870 AM WKAR
Christian Health and Wealth, 880 AM WRFD (12-12:30PM)
Meet the Press, 1600 AM WAAM, 1670 AM Madison
Travel Show, 970 AM WKHM
Jim Wycoff Money Hour, 550 AM WKRC
Handel on the Law, 1140 AM WRVA
Travel Show, 710AM WOR
The Money Pit, 590 AM, WKZO
Glink, 750 AM, WSB
Ken Stern, 890 AM WLS
The Clark Howard Show, 1190 AM WOWO
Travel Show, 970 AM WKHM, 710 AM WOR
Rick Bloom, 1400 AM
Justice Talking, 870 AM WKAR
Handel on the Law, 1140 AM WRVA, 1670 AM Madison, 1020 AM KDKA
The Money Pit, 590 AM, WKZO
Dave Ramsey, 770 AM, WABC
The Clark Howard Show, 1190 AM WOWO
Home Stewardship, 103.5 FM WMUZ (2:30-3)
Shopping Smart, 970 AM WKHM
Summit Financial, 550 AM WKRC
Handel on the Law, 1140 AM WRVA, 1020 AM KDKA
Travel Today, 590AM WKZO
Clark Howard, 750 AM, WSB
Dave Ramsey, 770 AM WABC
This American Life, 91.7 FM WUOM
The Clark Howard Show, 1190 AM WOWO
Easy Street, 760 AM WJR
Best of Rick Bloom, 1600 AM WAAM
Shopping Smart, 970 AM WKHM
Travel Today, 590 WKZO
Dave Ramsey, 770 AM WABC
Dollars and Sense, 1120 AM KMOX
Moneytalk with Bob Brinker, 760AM WJR, 890 AM WLS, 1040 AM WHO, 770 AM WABC
Best of Rick Bloom, 1600 AM WAAM
The Dolans, 970 AM WKHM
Dave Ramsey, 590 WKZO
The Small Business Advocate, 1560 AM WTOD
Dollars and Sense, 1120 AM KMOX
Chris Moore, 1020 AM KDKA
This American Life; 91.3 FM; WGTE
Handel on the Law, 1370 AM WSPD
Moneytalk with Bob Brinker, 760 AM WJR, 890 AM WLS, 1040 AM WHO, 770 AM WABC
Check for Money Show on 560 AM WRDT, 5-5:30
The Dolans, 970 AM WKHM
Money Matter, 820 AM WBAP
Dave Ramsey, 590 AM WKZO
The Small Business Advocate, 1560 AM WTOD
Chris Moore, 1020 AM KDKA
Bob Brinker’s Moneytalk, 1180 AM WHAM, 890 AM WLS, 1040 AM WHO, 820 WBAP, 770 AM WABC
Handel on the Law, 1370 AM WSPD
The Travel Queen, 1600 AM WAAM
Tom Martino, 970 AM WKHM
Moneytrack, Ch. 30, 6-6:30PM
Forbes on the Radio, 1560 AM WTOD
Chris Moore, 1020 AM KDKA
Investment Show, 890 AM WLS
Moneytalk, 1140 AM WRVA
Mortgage Matters, 103.5 FM WMUZ
Handel on the Law, 1370 AM WSPD, 1670 AM Madison
On the Money, 720 AM WGN
Real Estate Radio, 550 AM WKRC
Your Money, 1140 AM WRVA
Venture, CBC, Ch. 9
Clark Howard, 1110 AM
Forbes on the Radio, 1560 AM WTOD
Bob Brinker, 820 AM WBAP
Travel Michigan, 760 WJR
Chris Moore, 1020 AM KDKA
Insurance Talk, 97.1 FM WKRK
Money Show, 1030 AM WBZ
Handel on the Law, 1670 AM Madison
Forbes on the Radio, 1560 AM WTOD
Bob Brinker, 820 AM WBAP
Meet the Press, 750 AM, WSB
Ask the Experts, 1180 AM WHAM
8-8:30 Chris Moore, 1020 AM KDKA
The Clark Howard Show, 1190 AM WOWO, 620 AM WTMJ
Insurance Talk, 97.1 FM WKRK
Money Show, 1030 AM WBZ; 9-9:30PM
Profit Zone, 1040 AM WHO
Money Show, somewhere between 600 and 650
Justice For All, 1120 AM KMOX
Brian Gongol Show, 1040 AM WHO
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
Justice For All, 1120 AM KMOX
Tom Martino, 1040 AM WHO
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
Meet the Press, 1310 AM WDTW
Tom Martino, 1040 AM WHO
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
Handel on the Law, 1670 AM Madison
Mondays, Clark Howard, 620AM WTMJ
Shopping, 710 AM WOR Mondays
Mondays, Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
Mondays, Clark Howard, 750 AM WSB
Shopping, 710 AM WOR Mondays
Meet the Press, Mondays, 1120 AM KMOX
Jim Cramer, Chicago
Mondays, Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
Glink, Mondays, 750 WSB
First Business, Ch. 47 (4-4:30)
Be a Millionaire, Ch. 10 (4-4:30)
Mondays, Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
Glink, Mondays, 750 AM WSB
Wall Street Journal This Morning, 890 AM WLS and 970 AM WKHM and 1530 AM WCKY
Wisconsin Farm Report, 1670 AM Madison
Business Show, 940 AM 5-5:30 Montreal
Jocks and Stocks, 670 AM Chicago
Lou Dobbs, 680 AM CKWW 6:50AM
Classifieds WLEN, 103.9 AM, 8:40 am
Safe Money (Monday), Entrepeneurship (Tuesday), 690 AM WNZK
Money Show, 1070 CHOK, 9:30AM
Bob Allison, 690 AM
Money Matters, 10-10:30; WBCL 90.3 FM, Fort Wayne, IN; WBCY 89.5 FM, Northwest, OH; WBCJ 88.1 FM, W. Central, OH; 106.1 FM, Muncie, IN; 97.7 FM, Adrian, MI
Bob Allison, 690 AM
Monte Korn Law Show, 690 AM WNZK (Monday and Tuesday)
Business Report, 12:20PM WLEN 103.9 FM
Classifieds WLEN, 103.9 AM, 12:45pm
1590 AM, Money Show?; Jackson - West
590 AM, Money Show?; Jackson – West
91.1, Pittsford, Money Show, 12:25-12:55PM; WPCJ
Business Hour, 780 AM WBBM (Eastern Time)
Dave Ramsey, 590 AM WKZO
Clark Howard, 750 AM WSB
Lou Dobbs, AM 580 CKWW, 1:50PM
Jim Cramer, 1020 AM KDKA
Money Matters, 1:30-2:00, 88.1,88.5,89.3 and 89.3 FM
Dave Ramsey, 600 AM WSNL and 1260 AM (Jackson – West), 590 AM WKZO, 1600 AM WAAM
Clark Howard, 1560 AM WTOD, 750 AM WSB
2:30-3 American Advisor, WHKW, 1220 AM Cleveland
A Money Moment; 2:30-3PM; WBCL 90.3 FM, Fort Wayne, IN; WBCY 89.5 FM, Northwest, OH; WBCJ 88.1 FM, W. Central, OH; 106.1 FM, Muncie, IN; 97.7 FM, Adrian, MI
Dave Ramsey, 1560 AM WTOD, 600 AM WSNL
Classifieds WLEN, 103.9 AM, 3:15 pm
Money Show, 1030 AM
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ, 750 AM, WSB
This American Life (Friday) 101.9 WDET
96.7 FM; Money Matters; 3:30PM-4PM
Dave Ramsey, 1560 AM WTOD, 600 AM WSNL
Dave Ramsey, 1560 AM WTOD
Business Report, 5:20 WLEN 103.9 FM
Classifieds WLEN, 103.9 AM, 5:40 pm
Dave Ramsey, 1560 AM WTOD and 970 AM WKHM
Marketplace, 91.7FM WUOM (6:30-7PM)
Marketplace, 820 AM WOSU (6-6:30)
The Nightly Business Report, Ch. 28: 6:30-7PM
BBC World News, Ch. 28 and 30, 6-6:30
NewsHour, Ch. 56, 6-7; Ch. 30, 6:30-7:30
Jim Cramer, WKRC, 550 AM
Lou Dobbs, AM 580 CKWW, 6:50PM
Marketplace, 91.3, WGTE, 6-6:30
The Nightly Business Report, Ch. 30: 7:30-8; Ch. 56: 7-7:30PM
Let’s Talk Real Estate, 880 AM WRFD (Tuesday)
Dave Ramsey, 970 AM WKHM
BBC World News, Ch. 56, 7:30-8
NewsHour, Ch. 28
Bruce Williams, 1540 AM, KXEL
On Air With In Business Magazine, 1670 AM Madison
Investing Show, 800 AM CKLW
Bruce Williams, 1540 AM, KXEL
Wall Street Week With Fortune, Ch. 27, 28 and 56 (Fri., 8:30-9)
Dave Ramsey, 970 AM WKHM; 800 AM CKLW
Money Show, 1220 AM Cleveland
Follow the Money, 600 AM WSNL (Mondays and Wed.)
Tax Recovery Show (Tues.) 940 AM Montreal
Financial Playbook (Wed.) 940 AM Montreal
Law Show (Fri.) 940 AM Montreal
Money Matters; 91.1, Pittsford; WPCJ; 8:30-9PM
Bruce Williams, 1540 AM, KXEL
Law Show, 840 AM WHAS (Monday)
Money Matters, 710 AM, WOR
Clark Howard, 940 AM, WMAC, Macon, GA
Law Show (Fri.) 940 AM Montreal
Bruce Williams, 1600 AM WAAM
Ask the Lawyers, 103.5 FM WMUZ (Tuesday: 10:30-11:30)
Dave Ramsey, 550 AM
Bruce Williams, 1600 AM WAAM
The Simpson’s, Ch. 50, 11-11:30
Dave Ramsey, 550 AM
Bruce Williams, 1600 AM WAAM
Building Wealth, Ch. 47 (Friday, 1:30-2)
Wall Street Week and Fortune, Ch. 28 (Friday, 1:30-2)
60 Minutes (Wednesday): Ch. 11, 1:30-2:30
Shopping, 710AM, WOR
2-3AM Shopping, 710AM, WOR
KGO San Francisco streams for 24hrs shows like Moneytalk in their archives.
Revised Dec. 10, 2006
Wall Street Week and Fortune, Ch. 28 (3:30-4)
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
U.S. Farm Report, Ch. 53
Building Wealth, Ch. 47 and Ch. 10 (4:30-5)
On Main Street, Ch. 47 (4-4:30)
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
U.S. Farm Report, Ch. 13
Marketwatch Weekend, Ch. 62 (5:30-6)
Wall Street Journal, Ch. 47 (5-5:30)
Enterprise Report, Ch. 47 (5:30-6)
Building Wealth, Ch. 10 (5:30-6)
Global Business, 91.7, WUOM FM (5-5:30)
Wall Street Journal Weekend, 1140AM and 810 WGR
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
The Treatment/The Business, 101.9 FM, WDET
Wisconsin Farm Report, 1670 AM Madison
Wall Street Journal Weekend, 610 AM WTVN
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
Farm Report, 720 AM WGN
Marketplace Money, FM below 91.7
Money Sense, 1370 AM WSPD
Mr. Fix It, 720 AM WGN
Right on the Money, 740 AM; Toronto?
Money Show, 560 AM (7-7:30AM)
Motley Fool, 101.9, WDET
Marketplace Money, 820 AM WOSU
Money Show, 850AM?Ohio?
Follow the Money, 1220 AM WHKW Cleveland 7:30-8
Home Repair Clinic, 1180 AM WHAM
Wall Street Journal Weekend, 970 AM WKHM
Money Show, 1170 AM
Plan, Invest, Achieve, 1230 AM (8:30-9)
Mr. Fix It, 720 AM WGN
Hire it Done, 1270 AM WXYT
Classifieds, 8:15, WLEN 103.9 FM
Around the Home with Greg Crawford, AM 590 WKZO, 8:30-9AM
The Appliance Doctor, 1600 AM WAAM
Follow the Money, 1220 AM WHKW Cleveland 8-8:30
Home Repair Clinic, 1180 AM WHAM
Home Investment Show, 1430 AM
Real Estate Show, 970 AM WKHL
Mr. Fix It, 720 AM WGN
Money Matters with Brian Kurtz, 580 AM CKWW
Hire it Done, 1270 AM WXYT
At Home, 1100 AM WTAM
Financial Planner, 9:45-10AM, WKZO 590
At Home with Gary Sullivan, 550 AM WKRC
9:30am - 10am: Straight Talk About Money w/ Googins Financial, 1670 AM Madison
The Appliance Doctor, 1600 AM WAAM
Financial Coach Show, 1370 AM WSPD, 9:30-10
The Mortgage Marshalls, 1310 AM WDTW, 9-9:30
Housecalls with Rick Wolf, 1190 AM WOWO
Home Repair Clinic, 1180 AM WHAM
Travel Show, 940 AM Montreal
Law Show, 1600 AM WAAM
Larry Kudlow, 770 AM WABC
Making Money in Real Estate, 890 AM WLS
At Home, 1100 AM WTAM
The Investor’s Edge, 880 AM WRFD
Michigan Out-Of-Doors, Ch. 28, 10:30-11
Travel Savvy, 1560 AM WTOD
Home Fix It, 750 AM, WSB
At Home with Gary Sullivan, 550 AM WKRC
The Lawyers, 590 WKZO
1670 AM Madison: Your Home, Your Money 10-10:30AM; Real Estate 10:30-11AM
The Appliance Doctor, 1600 AM WAAM
The Business Reality Network, 1310AM WDTW
Housecalls with Rick Wolf, 1190 AM WOWO
Home Improvement Show, 1140 AM WRVA
Handyman Show, 970 AM WKHM
Mutual Fund Show, 890 AM WLS
This American Life, 89.1 FM, WEMU
Mutual Fund Show, 890 AM WLS, 1370 AM WSPD, 1190 AM WOWO, 1180 AM WHAM
Money Show, 560 AM (11-11:30) Creative Asset Solutions
Home Fix It, 750 AM WSB
Financial Freedom Report, 97.1 FM WKRK
At Home, 1100 AM WTAM (11-11:30)
Street Beat, Ch. 62, 11-11:30
Wilderness Journal, Ch. 28, 11-11:30
Money Talk, 620 AM WTMJ
The Lawyers, 590 AM, WKZO, 11:15-12:00
Larry Kudlow, 770 AM, WABC
At Home with Gary Sullivan, 550 AM WKRC
The Business Reality Network, 1310 AM WDTW
Travel Show, 1020 AM KDKA
Handyman Show, 970 AM WKHM
Real Estate Show, 940 AM Montreal
Real Estate Show, 890 AM WLS
Money Watch, 102.3 FM, 11:30-12; WPOS
Money Show, 103.9 FM WLEN (12:15-12:30)
Motley Fool, 870 AM WKAR
Larry Kudlow, 770 AM, WABC
Mutual Fund Show, 1190 AM WOWO, 610 AM WTVN, 620 AM WTMJ
Mutual Fund Show, 1100 AM WTAM, 1140 AM WRVA
The Dolans, 970 AM WKHM
Clark Howard, 590 WKZO, 1560 AM WTOD
Handel on the Law, 750 AM, WSB
At Home with Gary Sullivan, 550 AM WKRC
Faith Real Estate, 1370 AM WSPD
The Financial Freedom Report, 1310 AM WDTW
The Safe Money Show, 1220 AM Cleveland WHKW 12-12:30
Home Improvement Show, 1120 AM KMOX
Ask the Attorney, 1020 AM KDKA
Real Estate Show, 890 AM WLS
This American Life, 91.7 FM WUOM
Sound Money, 870 AM WKAR
The Careful Capitalist, 1600 AM WAAM
The Dolans, 970 AM WKHM
Clark Howard, 590 WKZO, 1560 AM WTOD
Real Estate Show, 1140 AM WRVA
Handel on the Law, 750 AM, WSB
Real Wealth Radio 1670 AM Madison
The Money Pit, 1600 AM WAAM
Financial Food For Thought, 1220 AM WHKW Cleveland
Home Improvement Show, 1120 AM KMOX
Findling Law Hour, 97.1 FM WKRK
Travel Show, 970 AM WKHM
Clark Howard, 590 WKZO, 1560 AM WTOD
This American Life, 820 AM WOSU
The Money Show, 720 AM WGN
Handel on the Law, 750 AM, WSB
The Money Pit, 1600 AM WAAM
The Home Show, 1540 KXEL
KMOX Money Show, 1120 AM
Market Matter, 940 AM Montreal
Dailey and Stearn Law Show, 760 AM WJR
The Bottom Line, 1600 AM WAAM
Travel Show, 970 AM WKHM
Great Getaways, Ch. 23, 3:30-4
Clark Howard, 590 WKZO, 1560 AM WTOD
The Money Show, 720 AM WGN
The Home Show, 1540 AM KXEL
KMOX Money Show, 1120 AM
Findling Law Show, 97.1 FM
This American Life, 870 AM, WKAR
Ken Stern and Your Money, 760 AM WJR
Moneytalk with Bob Brinker, 890 AM WLS, 1040 AM WHO, 1180 AM WHAM, 770 AM WABC
The Bottom Line, 1600 AM WAAM
Great Lakes Outdoors, Ch. 28, 4-4:30
Clark Howard, 590 WKZO
Money Pit Home Improvement, 1560 AM WTOD
Legally Speaking, 720 AM, WGN
The Careful Capitalist, 97.1 FM
Moneytalk With Bob Brinker, 760 AM WJR, 890 AM WLS, 1040 AM WHO, 770 AM WABC, 1180 AM WAAM
Classifieds, 5:40, WLEN 103.9 FM
Rick Steve’s, Ch. 30
Clark Howard, 590 WKZO
Money Pit Home Improvement, 1560 AM WTOD
The Alpha Mortgage Show, 820 AM, WBAP
Ask the Lawyer, WGPR, 107.5 FM 5:30-6, 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month
Moneytalk With Bob Brinker, 760 AM WJR, 890 AM WLS, 1040 AM WHO
Tom Martino, 970 AM WKHM
Clark Howard Show, 1190 AM WOWO?
Clark Howard Show, 1190 AM WOWO?
Tom Martino, 1040 AM WHO
Bob Brinker, 820 AM WBAP
Handel on the Law, 610 WTVN
Bruce Williams, 1540 AM KXEL
Moneytalks, 800 AM CKLW
Tom Martino, 1040 AM WHO
Bob Brinker, 820 AM WBAP
Money Show, 1180 AM WHAM; This might have been a one time thing.
Handel on the Law, 610 AM, WTVN
Bruce Williams, 1540 AM KXEL
Bruce Williams, 1540 AM KXEL
Legally Speaking, 1510 AM WLAC
Globe Trekker, Travel Channel (used to be Ch. 56)
Tom Martino, 1040 AM WHO
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
Bob Brinker, 820 AM WBAP
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
BBC World News, Ch. 30, 12:30-1
Globe Trekker, WTVS, Ch. 56 12:00-12:30
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
Handel on the Law, 750 AM WSB
Handel on the Law, 750 AM, WSB
Second Chance Financial, 103.5 FM WMUZ, 1-1:15AM
Handel on the Law, 750 AM, WSB
Moneytalk, 1040 AM WHO
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
Wall Street Journal Report, Ch. 3 – cable (5:30-6AM)
Moneytalk, 1040 AM WHO
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
Business Week, Ch. 7 TV (6:30-7AM)
Clark Howard, 620 WTMJ (until 6:30AM)
On the House, 1670 AM Madison
Motley Fool, 101.9 FM, WDET
Debt Free Diva, 105.1 FM (7:30-8AM)
Money and More/Crossbridge Financial Hour, WHAM 1180 AM
On the House, 1670 AM Madison
The Power of Money, 1000 AM WMVP
Danbury Realtors, Ch. 36 TV (8:30-9AM)
Hire it Done, 1270 AM WXYT
Wall Street Journal Weekend, WTVN, 610AM
Follow the Money, 1600 WAAM
Wealth Management, 1370 AM WSPD, 8-8:30
Law Show, 1180 AM WHAM
Real Estate Insiders, 760 AM WJR
Business School, Ch. 28 TV (9:30-10)
Hire it Done, 1270 AM WXYT
Money Matters, 750 AM, WSB
At Home with Gary Sullivan, 550 AM WKRC
Chris Moore’s Moneytalk, 1190 AM WOWO?
Home Repair Clinic, 1180 WHAM
Your Money, 1020 AM KDKA
Moneytalk, 940 AM Montreal
Hardcore Mortgage Show, 97.1 FM
Chris Moore’s Moneytalk, 1190 AM WOWO?
Hard Core Real Estate Show, 97.1 FM WKRK
Real Estate Insiders, 760 AM WJR, 890 AM WLS
Business Today, Ch. 10, 10:30-11
This American Life, 101.9 WDET
Money Matters, 750 AM, WSB
At Home with Gary Sullivan, 550 AM WKRC
Handel on the Law, 1670 AM Madison
Home Repair Clinic, 1180 AM WHAM
Your Money, 1020 AM KDKA
Hard Core Real Estate Show, 97.1 FM WKRK
The Home Loan Center, 103.5 FM WMUZ
Real Estate Insiders, 760 AM WJR, 890 AM WLS
Streetbeat, Ch. 62 TV (11-11:30)
Real Estate, Ch. 6 TV (11-11:30)
Builder’s Open House, Ch. 4 TV (11:30-12)
Sound Money, 91.7FM, WUOM
Meet the Press, 1670 AM Madison
Glink, 750 AM, WSB
At Home with Gary Sullivan, 550 AM WKRC
This American Life, 870 AM WKAR
Christian Health and Wealth, 880 AM WRFD (12-12:30PM)
Meet the Press, 1600 AM WAAM, 1670 AM Madison
Travel Show, 970 AM WKHM
Jim Wycoff Money Hour, 550 AM WKRC
Handel on the Law, 1140 AM WRVA
Travel Show, 710AM WOR
The Money Pit, 590 AM, WKZO
Glink, 750 AM, WSB
Ken Stern, 890 AM WLS
The Clark Howard Show, 1190 AM WOWO
Travel Show, 970 AM WKHM, 710 AM WOR
Rick Bloom, 1400 AM
Justice Talking, 870 AM WKAR
Handel on the Law, 1140 AM WRVA, 1670 AM Madison, 1020 AM KDKA
The Money Pit, 590 AM, WKZO
Dave Ramsey, 770 AM, WABC
The Clark Howard Show, 1190 AM WOWO
Home Stewardship, 103.5 FM WMUZ (2:30-3)
Shopping Smart, 970 AM WKHM
Summit Financial, 550 AM WKRC
Handel on the Law, 1140 AM WRVA, 1020 AM KDKA
Travel Today, 590AM WKZO
Clark Howard, 750 AM, WSB
Dave Ramsey, 770 AM WABC
This American Life, 91.7 FM WUOM
The Clark Howard Show, 1190 AM WOWO
Easy Street, 760 AM WJR
Best of Rick Bloom, 1600 AM WAAM
Shopping Smart, 970 AM WKHM
Travel Today, 590 WKZO
Dave Ramsey, 770 AM WABC
Dollars and Sense, 1120 AM KMOX
Moneytalk with Bob Brinker, 760AM WJR, 890 AM WLS, 1040 AM WHO, 770 AM WABC
Best of Rick Bloom, 1600 AM WAAM
The Dolans, 970 AM WKHM
Dave Ramsey, 590 WKZO
The Small Business Advocate, 1560 AM WTOD
Dollars and Sense, 1120 AM KMOX
Chris Moore, 1020 AM KDKA
This American Life; 91.3 FM; WGTE
Handel on the Law, 1370 AM WSPD
Moneytalk with Bob Brinker, 760 AM WJR, 890 AM WLS, 1040 AM WHO, 770 AM WABC
Check for Money Show on 560 AM WRDT, 5-5:30
The Dolans, 970 AM WKHM
Money Matter, 820 AM WBAP
Dave Ramsey, 590 AM WKZO
The Small Business Advocate, 1560 AM WTOD
Chris Moore, 1020 AM KDKA
Bob Brinker’s Moneytalk, 1180 AM WHAM, 890 AM WLS, 1040 AM WHO, 820 WBAP, 770 AM WABC
Handel on the Law, 1370 AM WSPD
The Travel Queen, 1600 AM WAAM
Tom Martino, 970 AM WKHM
Moneytrack, Ch. 30, 6-6:30PM
Forbes on the Radio, 1560 AM WTOD
Chris Moore, 1020 AM KDKA
Investment Show, 890 AM WLS
Moneytalk, 1140 AM WRVA
Mortgage Matters, 103.5 FM WMUZ
Handel on the Law, 1370 AM WSPD, 1670 AM Madison
On the Money, 720 AM WGN
Real Estate Radio, 550 AM WKRC
Your Money, 1140 AM WRVA
Venture, CBC, Ch. 9
Clark Howard, 1110 AM
Forbes on the Radio, 1560 AM WTOD
Bob Brinker, 820 AM WBAP
Travel Michigan, 760 WJR
Chris Moore, 1020 AM KDKA
Insurance Talk, 97.1 FM WKRK
Money Show, 1030 AM WBZ
Handel on the Law, 1670 AM Madison
Forbes on the Radio, 1560 AM WTOD
Bob Brinker, 820 AM WBAP
Meet the Press, 750 AM, WSB
Ask the Experts, 1180 AM WHAM
8-8:30 Chris Moore, 1020 AM KDKA
The Clark Howard Show, 1190 AM WOWO, 620 AM WTMJ
Insurance Talk, 97.1 FM WKRK
Money Show, 1030 AM WBZ; 9-9:30PM
Profit Zone, 1040 AM WHO
Money Show, somewhere between 600 and 650
Justice For All, 1120 AM KMOX
Brian Gongol Show, 1040 AM WHO
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
Justice For All, 1120 AM KMOX
Tom Martino, 1040 AM WHO
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
Meet the Press, 1310 AM WDTW
Tom Martino, 1040 AM WHO
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
Handel on the Law, 1670 AM Madison
Mondays, Clark Howard, 620AM WTMJ
Shopping, 710 AM WOR Mondays
Mondays, Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
Mondays, Clark Howard, 750 AM WSB
Shopping, 710 AM WOR Mondays
Meet the Press, Mondays, 1120 AM KMOX
Jim Cramer, Chicago
Mondays, Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
Glink, Mondays, 750 WSB
First Business, Ch. 47 (4-4:30)
Be a Millionaire, Ch. 10 (4-4:30)
Mondays, Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ
Glink, Mondays, 750 AM WSB
Wall Street Journal This Morning, 890 AM WLS and 970 AM WKHM and 1530 AM WCKY
Wisconsin Farm Report, 1670 AM Madison
Business Show, 940 AM 5-5:30 Montreal
Jocks and Stocks, 670 AM Chicago
Lou Dobbs, 680 AM CKWW 6:50AM
Classifieds WLEN, 103.9 AM, 8:40 am
Safe Money (Monday), Entrepeneurship (Tuesday), 690 AM WNZK
Money Show, 1070 CHOK, 9:30AM
Bob Allison, 690 AM
Money Matters, 10-10:30; WBCL 90.3 FM, Fort Wayne, IN; WBCY 89.5 FM, Northwest, OH; WBCJ 88.1 FM, W. Central, OH; 106.1 FM, Muncie, IN; 97.7 FM, Adrian, MI
Bob Allison, 690 AM
Monte Korn Law Show, 690 AM WNZK (Monday and Tuesday)
Business Report, 12:20PM WLEN 103.9 FM
Classifieds WLEN, 103.9 AM, 12:45pm
1590 AM, Money Show?; Jackson - West
590 AM, Money Show?; Jackson – West
91.1, Pittsford, Money Show, 12:25-12:55PM; WPCJ
Business Hour, 780 AM WBBM (Eastern Time)
Dave Ramsey, 590 AM WKZO
Clark Howard, 750 AM WSB
Lou Dobbs, AM 580 CKWW, 1:50PM
Jim Cramer, 1020 AM KDKA
Money Matters, 1:30-2:00, 88.1,88.5,89.3 and 89.3 FM
Dave Ramsey, 600 AM WSNL and 1260 AM (Jackson – West), 590 AM WKZO, 1600 AM WAAM
Clark Howard, 1560 AM WTOD, 750 AM WSB
2:30-3 American Advisor, WHKW, 1220 AM Cleveland
A Money Moment; 2:30-3PM; WBCL 90.3 FM, Fort Wayne, IN; WBCY 89.5 FM, Northwest, OH; WBCJ 88.1 FM, W. Central, OH; 106.1 FM, Muncie, IN; 97.7 FM, Adrian, MI
Dave Ramsey, 1560 AM WTOD, 600 AM WSNL
Classifieds WLEN, 103.9 AM, 3:15 pm
Money Show, 1030 AM
Clark Howard, 620 AM WTMJ, 750 AM, WSB
This American Life (Friday) 101.9 WDET
96.7 FM; Money Matters; 3:30PM-4PM
Dave Ramsey, 1560 AM WTOD, 600 AM WSNL
Dave Ramsey, 1560 AM WTOD
Business Report, 5:20 WLEN 103.9 FM
Classifieds WLEN, 103.9 AM, 5:40 pm
Dave Ramsey, 1560 AM WTOD and 970 AM WKHM
Marketplace, 91.7FM WUOM (6:30-7PM)
Marketplace, 820 AM WOSU (6-6:30)
The Nightly Business Report, Ch. 28: 6:30-7PM
BBC World News, Ch. 28 and 30, 6-6:30
NewsHour, Ch. 56, 6-7; Ch. 30, 6:30-7:30
Jim Cramer, WKRC, 550 AM
Lou Dobbs, AM 580 CKWW, 6:50PM
Marketplace, 91.3, WGTE, 6-6:30
The Nightly Business Report, Ch. 30: 7:30-8; Ch. 56: 7-7:30PM
Let’s Talk Real Estate, 880 AM WRFD (Tuesday)
Dave Ramsey, 970 AM WKHM
BBC World News, Ch. 56, 7:30-8
NewsHour, Ch. 28
Bruce Williams, 1540 AM, KXEL
On Air With In Business Magazine, 1670 AM Madison
Investing Show, 800 AM CKLW
Bruce Williams, 1540 AM, KXEL
Wall Street Week With Fortune, Ch. 27, 28 and 56 (Fri., 8:30-9)
Dave Ramsey, 970 AM WKHM; 800 AM CKLW
Money Show, 1220 AM Cleveland
Follow the Money, 600 AM WSNL (Mondays and Wed.)
Tax Recovery Show (Tues.) 940 AM Montreal
Financial Playbook (Wed.) 940 AM Montreal
Law Show (Fri.) 940 AM Montreal
Money Matters; 91.1, Pittsford; WPCJ; 8:30-9PM
Bruce Williams, 1540 AM, KXEL
Law Show, 840 AM WHAS (Monday)
Money Matters, 710 AM, WOR
Clark Howard, 940 AM, WMAC, Macon, GA
Law Show (Fri.) 940 AM Montreal
Bruce Williams, 1600 AM WAAM
Ask the Lawyers, 103.5 FM WMUZ (Tuesday: 10:30-11:30)
Dave Ramsey, 550 AM
Bruce Williams, 1600 AM WAAM
The Simpson’s, Ch. 50, 11-11:30
Dave Ramsey, 550 AM
Bruce Williams, 1600 AM WAAM
Building Wealth, Ch. 47 (Friday, 1:30-2)
Wall Street Week and Fortune, Ch. 28 (Friday, 1:30-2)
60 Minutes (Wednesday): Ch. 11, 1:30-2:30
Shopping, 710AM, WOR
2-3AM Shopping, 710AM, WOR
KGO San Francisco streams for 24hrs shows like Moneytalk in their archives.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Allen's Cove
Allen's Cove is just a little remnant natural area squeezed between Luna Pier and the Toledo Beach Marina on Monroe's Lake Erie shore.
It can sometimes be accessed in a couple of ways. The first is to head north out of Luna Pier on Harold Drive and onto Allen Cove Rd. You can stop along Allen Cove for a distant view of the open water and marsh of the cove and the wooded area on the other side.
In fact, this is probably the BEST way to see Allen Cove. And I'd recommend making a little walk of it by starting at the boat ramp on the south side of Luna Pier, walking through town, along the pier and then on the bike lane on Harold Drive until you reach Allen Cove. It would make a nice little walk.
Allen Cove is interesting for three reasons. First, it's a marshy natural area that attracts birds and wildlife. Second, there are American Lotus beds in the cove. My favorite reason, however, is that there is a bald eagle's nest in the wooded area close to Lake Erie. With good binoculars, you might be able to see it.
There is, of course, another way to see the nest and that's within the Toledo Beach Marina itself. I have, in fact, driven to the marina and shopped at the little store there. As I was walking out, I asked if I could walk into the wooded area. I was given permission and walked towards the nest. It was pretty cool. This was several years ago and that type of permission is by no means guaranteed, especially since there are new owners at Toledo Beach.
It can sometimes be accessed in a couple of ways. The first is to head north out of Luna Pier on Harold Drive and onto Allen Cove Rd. You can stop along Allen Cove for a distant view of the open water and marsh of the cove and the wooded area on the other side.
In fact, this is probably the BEST way to see Allen Cove. And I'd recommend making a little walk of it by starting at the boat ramp on the south side of Luna Pier, walking through town, along the pier and then on the bike lane on Harold Drive until you reach Allen Cove. It would make a nice little walk.
Allen Cove is interesting for three reasons. First, it's a marshy natural area that attracts birds and wildlife. Second, there are American Lotus beds in the cove. My favorite reason, however, is that there is a bald eagle's nest in the wooded area close to Lake Erie. With good binoculars, you might be able to see it.
There is, of course, another way to see the nest and that's within the Toledo Beach Marina itself. I have, in fact, driven to the marina and shopped at the little store there. As I was walking out, I asked if I could walk into the wooded area. I was given permission and walked towards the nest. It was pretty cool. This was several years ago and that type of permission is by no means guaranteed, especially since there are new owners at Toledo Beach.
Pointe Aux Peaux State Game Area
One of the recent additions to Monroe's natural areas is this little state game area off of Pointe Aux Peaux Road. If you're curious, the pronunciation is "Point-ah-poe." Someone with better French skills would have to interpret for you.
This place is just one or two hundred acres of marshland. When the DNR purchased the place, I decided to hike it a few times. There is a small parking area just off of Pointe Aux Peaux Rd (see map link below). It's gravel and marked with a DNR sign.
I started my hike by heading diagonally across the open field adjacent to the parking lot. The goal was to hit the SW corner of the field. From there, I would hike due west in the forest to skirt a marshy area and then due south to hit the dike shown on the DNR map. At that point, I would hike due east on the dike until I passed over the marsh and onto the opposite bank.
I last hiked this place a few years ago when water levels were low. At that time, I was able to follow the east bank of the marsh out to the Lake Erie shore. And from there, I was able to hike out onto the rock crib shown jutting out into the lake. It was pretty cool, with nice views back towards Monroe and Sterling State Park.
I am not at all sure about the current status of this game area. Since I last hiked it, there has been a pretty significant wildfire in the area and I know that the emergency vehicles cut roads into the marsh to fight the fire. These "roads" might still exist. I am also unsure if water levels now preclude access to the rock crib.
This place, however, does have some intriguing possibilities. First, since it allows potential access to the Lake Erie shore, it "might" be possible to legally access shorefront along some of the adjacent resort communities. Remember that all shoreline up the ordinary high water mark is publicly owned and accessible. So, there might be a legal route to this via Pointe Aux Peaux.
It is also legally possible to camp during the fall, winter and spring on state land that is not a state park or recreation area with a free DNR permit. In the past, I have seen people camp in the field at Pointe Aux Peaux. It is, of course, an open question as to whether someone "should" camp or access the shore in this area. I guess it's one of those case-by-case situations.
Anyway, this is an interesting natural area and worth at least an occasional visit for Monroe nature lovers.
This place is just one or two hundred acres of marshland. When the DNR purchased the place, I decided to hike it a few times. There is a small parking area just off of Pointe Aux Peaux Rd (see map link below). It's gravel and marked with a DNR sign.
I started my hike by heading diagonally across the open field adjacent to the parking lot. The goal was to hit the SW corner of the field. From there, I would hike due west in the forest to skirt a marshy area and then due south to hit the dike shown on the DNR map. At that point, I would hike due east on the dike until I passed over the marsh and onto the opposite bank.
I last hiked this place a few years ago when water levels were low. At that time, I was able to follow the east bank of the marsh out to the Lake Erie shore. And from there, I was able to hike out onto the rock crib shown jutting out into the lake. It was pretty cool, with nice views back towards Monroe and Sterling State Park.
I am not at all sure about the current status of this game area. Since I last hiked it, there has been a pretty significant wildfire in the area and I know that the emergency vehicles cut roads into the marsh to fight the fire. These "roads" might still exist. I am also unsure if water levels now preclude access to the rock crib.
This place, however, does have some intriguing possibilities. First, since it allows potential access to the Lake Erie shore, it "might" be possible to legally access shorefront along some of the adjacent resort communities. Remember that all shoreline up the ordinary high water mark is publicly owned and accessible. So, there might be a legal route to this via Pointe Aux Peaux.
It is also legally possible to camp during the fall, winter and spring on state land that is not a state park or recreation area with a free DNR permit. In the past, I have seen people camp in the field at Pointe Aux Peaux. It is, of course, an open question as to whether someone "should" camp or access the shore in this area. I guess it's one of those case-by-case situations.
Anyway, this is an interesting natural area and worth at least an occasional visit for Monroe nature lovers.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Area Hikes: Crosswinds Marsh

Crosswinds Marsh is one of the most unique natural areas in SE Michigan. When Metro Airport expanded a few years back, the wetlands at the airport needed to be replaced. This is where they replaced them. The result is a beautiful Wayne County park that touches the northern border of Monroe County.
What can you expect? Well, this still is SE Michigan and the terrain is flat. There are woods, marsh and prairie habitats. Some of the trail is boardwalk. Some is made from compact gravel. It is possible to create a 5+ mile hike by connecting some of the smaller loops or the long-distance horse trail. Most trails, however, are fairly short.
There are several interesting landmarks in the park. The first is a bald eagle nest in the southern section of the park. Another is a neat water control structure in the SE quadrant of the park. There is a nice screened picnic area near the main trailhead and the horse trail requires a water crossing in the NW section of the park.
One of the more disturbing aspects of this park is its close proximity to a landfill that lies just beyond the park boundaries to the east. This is the landfill that Toronto trucks most of its garbage to. At times, you can see the trucks moving refuse from the trail system.
That said, I have always enjoyed my visits to this wonderful place.
Thanks to the local birding community for the following links:
Here are some hike reports that I originally posted about Crosswinds on the Great Lakes Hikes Yahoo Group:
Note: The photo above was taken from the official Wayne County Parks web site covering Crosswinds Marsh.
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